
Photo by Inja Pavlić / Unsplash


  • Principles
  • Who's in the Zone
  • Respected Friends of the Zone


Features & principles held by Anglo Zone as Fundamental, and their antagonists.

  • Anglo Protestant Christianity
  • Organic (not Constructed)
  • Bottom-up (not Top-down)
  • Scale Awareness
  • Everything which survives has Boundaries
  • Monarchy is the GOAT, Democracy is Fake and Gay
  • Vitality
  • Liberty (not Libertinism)
  • Grounded in a Time and Place (not rootless Global Citizens)
  • Deep and Ancient bonds of Sentiment are more cohesive than a shared Propositional Ideal
  • Empiricism is valuable but must be tempered by the Intuition of Common Sense
  • Hobbes, Burke, Smith, Hayek, Oakeshott, Conquest, and Scruton were/are right; Rousseau, Marx, Keynes, Foucault, Hobsbawm, and Chomsky were/are wrong (and evil to boot).

Who's in the Zone

Top tier nations and their dependent territories:

  • The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (obviously). Yes, Celts will be tolerated as sufficiently "Anglo" in culture.
  • Canada.
  • Australia.
  • New Zealand.

Second tier:

  • The United States of America (too many non-Anglo Europeans, too many Popists, and they're a Propositional nation, so don't make it into the top tier).
  • Ireland (more Celts, and Popists at that; but Home Rule wasn't until 1922 so they get to be included).

Second-and-a-half tier:

  • The peoples of Colonial Rhodesia who have majority heritage from Anglo, Dutch, or German ancestors (their ancestors were under an Anglo administration and are culturally three quarters Anglo).

Respected Friends of the Zone

In no particular order:

  • The Kingdom of The Netherlands
  • The Kingdom of Sweden
  • Portugal
  • Singapore
  • Malta
  • India
  • Sri Lanka
  • "Teaboos" and other Anglophiles